
Institut za fiziku
Bijenička cesta 46, 10000 Zagreb

Institute of Physics is a public institute whose main activities constitute scientific research in theoretical and experimental physics.

Institute of Physics was founded in 1960, as an institute devoted to scientific research in solid state physics and physics of ionized gases. Although a solid part of nowadays’ activities may still be incorporated in such a classification, it is better to say that, taking into account their scope and range of subjects, today’s activities encompass various branches of physics, such as solid state physics, surface physics, statistical physics, biological physics, atomic and molecular physics, optical physics and plasma physics.

Institute of Physics employs 35 scientists at permanent positions, 17 PhD students and 26 technical and administrative staff.

Besides Institute’s permanent goal to acquire as high level of research quality as possible, its mission includes also the efforts to ensure that the research enables the technology transfer to the industry standards through the foundation of spin-off companies. The third component of our activities is education. A large number of scientists of the Institute participate in education of students both through the supervision of graduate and PhD theses and through teaching and undergraduate and graduate studies on Croatian universities.

091 4698836