
People behind the keyboards


Our DEV team gathers four brilliant darkish-haired men. Each of them has a different skill set, but none knows how to describe themselves precisely.

Mateo is a person that does more and talks less. 😶 He specializes in chatbots and being on time for his workouts – a pretty good work-life balance, in our opinion. When Mateo is at work, he will help you in any way he can; when he clocks out, not even CEO can reach him.

Petar, although still a student, always brings his A-game as a full-time frontend developer. More importantly, he is bribable. Bring a beer, and you have his attention. (But 🤫, you didn't hear that from us.)
"The fact that I have someone by my side who can bring my ideas to life coding-wise really makes my day. Thank you, Petar, for being our frontend expert." - Tina, our marketing person

Branimir is a new guy. He started coding when he was 14 and likes to focus on C# and .Net technologies. Due to his strong will to further expand his programming skills, he studies software engineering in his free time.

And Marin is our newest guy - can you tell we love developers yet? 👀 Even though he grew up by the sea, he's not really the summer type. Give him a change to enjoy the gym a few days a week and a snowboard when it get's colder, and he's guaranteed to have a pretty good time. Marin is skilled in a lot of development areas, but here he does mostly backend things.

Working next to these guys you will expand your programming skills without a doubt. 😎

Umjetna inteligencija
Programsko inženjerstvo
Telekomunikacije i informatika
Informacijski sustavi i informatologija
Informacijsko i programsko inženjerstvo
Informacijski sustavi

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