
Robotic Process Automation - technology intro


If you never heard about robotic process automation, now is time we introduce you to the technology. 💻

Most of the processes we make with the help of Microsoft Power Automate (ex. Softomotive), and when the opportunity arises, we also use UiPath.

The platforms are easy to use and you will soon be confident enough to develop the process on your own. If a former molecular biologist (our Martin) can do it, you can do it, too. 💪

Unless it is cited differently in the job application you are applying for, you don’t need previous RPA experience. We like to assign you a buddy first week or two - someone to show you around the platform, to share tips and tricks with you and make your life in BPA easier. 😎

Any coding experience and general computer knowledge will get you far in this field of work. But what makes an RPA developer great is their ability to understand clients’ actual needs and the skill to build code that will satisfy those needs. 🤝

Speaking of clients, as you may have heard before, every project is specific in the IT industry. ✨ Sometimes clients are pretty clear about their wants, and other times we get their pain points and use the given opportunity to express our creativity.

As you can see, this technology post just became people-oriented, so we're gonna stop here. 👀

Read next:
  • Meet the Team ➡
  • Typical Workday ➡
  • Intro to BPA ➡

Informacijsko i programsko inženjerstvo
Automatizacija i robotika
Programsko inženjerstvo
Informacijski sustavi

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Treba li ti nužno iskustvo u automatizaciji?


Koju platformu najčešće koristimo?

Microsoft Power Automate
vlastitu - bonsai.automate

Hoćeš li surađivati s klijentima pri izradi robota?
