
With a new team comes a new team lead 😎


Recently we went through an internal reorganization. Expanded market wishes encouraged us to break down our Applied Artificial Intelligence team into two more specialized teams: ADA (Advanced Data Analytics) and INT (Innovations and Technology). Consequently, the new ADA team got its new team lead – Petra. 💙

If anyone knows what sprints are, it’s Petra. Her attention to detail keeps the ADA team on track, and her sprint-oriented approach makes projects happen. However, we asked Petra for more data on her new role. 👀

Hi, Petra, how are you?

Hungry. 🤤 It’s 3 PM, and you just caught me after a longer-lasting meeting where we prepared some new solution proposals for our clients. Before the brainstorm, I had other meetings.

There are days when I struggle to find some free time for lunch, and today is one of those days. However, other days I can drink a ☕with colleagues without looking at my watch. In the end, it’s all about the balance. ⚖

How is this new role doing for you?

Compared to my previous role as a data analyst, being an ADA team lead brings a new dimension to the table. My new position requires more flexibility with day-to-day activities and implies increased collaboration with others. 🤝

On the one hand, I wish to guide my team through their work, divide the work equally and take care of the team’s growth and fulfillment. But, on the other hand, I have to make sure clients’ wishes are being met. The two can get contradicted quickly, and that’s when the flexibility solves the problem. Luckily, Kika, our PM, is here to help with the latter, making things easier. 🤗

We asked Petra four more questions. How does she measure the team's progress, what does she appreciate most about, has she seen herself as a team lead before she became one and what makes a company she wishes to work at.

Answers are hiding here

Matematička analiza
Matematička logika i računarstvo
Primijenjena matematika i matematičko modeliranje
Ostale matematičke discipline
Opća i klasična fizika
Informacijski sustavi
Umjetna inteligencija
Procesno računarstvo
Programsko inženjerstvo
Informacijski sustavi i informatologija
Informacijsko i programsko inženjerstvo

Riješi quiz

Petra je voditeljica kojeg tima?

Advanced Data Analytics
Innovations and Technology
Business Process Automation

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